Monday, November 10, 2014

Chalk, Pastels, & Colored Pencils


Which medium was your favorite?
My favorite medium was colored pencils. For me, they were easiest to blend and add value. I was able to have the most control with the amount of color I used, and add shadows easily. I also liked using black paper with colored pencils because it made each color stand out most and with much vibrancy. Previously, I didn't realize how colored pencils could be used to make realistic art, but after using the prismacolors and being taught how to properly used, I would like to use them more and more in my art. 
What did you find the most difficult?
For me, using the chalk pastels was the most difficult. It was really hard for me add value to the wrapper with all of the chalk dust. It was also difficult to keep the lines clean and even. Another problem with chalk pastels was that the chalk would get on your fingers, and make it difficult to keep the colors separated, and not completely blend together.